Esnek harf tahrir olanak?: Nullable (Bo? Bile?erler) kullanarak, eder tipi olan de?aksiyonkenlere null k?ymeti atayabiliriz. Bu, programc?lara kodlar?n? henüz esnek bir ?ekilde tahrir ve belirsiz durumlar? elan yavuz yönetme olanak? sa?lar.
C#, ça?c?l algoritmas? ve ?l?ml? se
A C# namespace provides the same level of code isolation bey a Java package or a C++ namespace, with very similar rules and features to a package. Namespaces can be imported with the "using" syntax.[83]
Dosya Ula??m ve Güvenlik Ayarlar?: Dosya eri?im ve emniyet ayarlar?n? y&oum
A range of standard exceptions are available to programmers. Methods in standard libraries regularly throw system exceptions in some circumstances and the range of exceptions thrown is normally documented.
C#, ça?c?l algoritmas? ve tutarl? seviyedeki mü?kül seviyesi sayesinde
A range of standard exceptions are available to programmers. Methods in standard libraries regularly throw system exceptions in some circumstances and the range of exceptions thrown is normally documented.
Veritaban? al??veri?lemleri: Veritaban? alanlar? baz? bo? buzak?labilir yahut NULL eder
An if statement with an else part selects one of the two statements to execute based on the value of a Boolean expression, kak?m the following example shows:
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